Friday, December 2, 2011

Fill in the _____ Friday

  1. The holiday season is... as time to dream about what it's supposed to be like... and then make the mistake of venturing out to buy presents and being faced with the reality of grumpy, broke people.
  2. Snow makes me... so happy! I love how peaceful and clean it makes everything look. Like a fresh start for the world. Everything slows down or stops, clothes are cosy by necessity and warmth feels that much sweeter!
  3. The best comfort food to eat when it's cold out is... ha! We actually had "Comfort Food Day" at work today. I like freshly baked cookies or apple crumble, or pancakes, or lentil soup -- and, of course, Peppermint Mochas!!! 
  4. Winter is the best time for... holing up at home and catching up on reading and TV. 
  5. I can hardly wait for... vacation! I've got two weeks off starting right before Christmas, and I just can't wait!!
  6. When it comes to holiday gifts I prefer to... give than receive. 
  7. If I were to rate my excitement about the holiday season on a scale from 1 to 10, I would say I'm about a... 4, maybe 5. Bittersweet.
Thanks to Lauren, as always! Head on over to her blog to join it!

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